Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sotia unui programator ii zice

Sotia unui programator ii zice:
- du-te la magazin si ia salam. Daca au oua, ia zece.
Programatorul ajunge la magazin si:
- aveti oua ?
- da.
- dati-mi 10 salamuri
In an airplane the captain tells the passengers:
> "This is your captain speaking. We are losing altitude and we do not
> have enough fuel to reach land. Therefore, we have to let all the
> baggage leave the airplane."
> The airplane gains altitude again. Half an hour later the airplane
> begins losing altitude again and the captain is on the loudspeakers
> more:
> "This is your captain speaking. We are still losing altitude and we
> cannot reach land without having some passengers leave the plane. It
> a bad situation, but we will do this in a honest and democratic way -
> will use the alphabet, starting with A. Are there any African
> passengers?"
> No one answers.
> "Are there any Black passengers?"
> No answer.
> "Are there any Coloured passengers?"
> No answer.
> In the back of the plane, a little boy asks his father:
> "Dad, you've always told me to be honest. We are both from Africa and
> have black coloured skin."
> "Yes, my son, it is true. But stricly speaking, we're Zulus."

Intra celebrul John Wayne intr-un bar plin cu mexicani rai. La bar o tipa misto. Scoate gun-ul si macelareste toti mexicanii, apoi se apropie incet de tipa: Singurica, singurica...???

-Ce face un scotian cand vede ca ii arde casa?

- Da beep la pompieri.

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